Throughout the dramatic journey of adoption it's not uncommon to cross paths with heartless professionals whose main interest is to profit from your relentless and indomitable desire of expanding your family without much consideration of your aching heart.
This is not the case of Lauren Leah.
We got in touch with Lauren's practice in 2009. Back then we were anxious and ready to kick off our adoption journey. Lauren was warm, genuinely caring, non-judgmental and demonstrated her commitment to help us with our adoption all the way.
Our journey was sour at times and at times completely brutal; not the case with Lauren, who showed us her care and support at all times. She provided support, expertise and her own experience as an adopting parent, which is perhaps what adopting parents need throughout the entire process; someone who will be there when you need them, such as Lauren did with us.
We are very happy to share with you the exciting news that we recently welcomed our baby daughter. Nothing could make us happier than embracing this child and knowing that she is part of our lives. Thank you Lauren: You will always be a critical part of our journey to parenthood!
If you are looking for a warm, caring professional who will hold your hand through thick and thin, call Lauren now!
Michelle and John
August, 2013
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know Peace.
Cuando el poder del amor supere al amor al poder, el mundo conocera la Paz"
Jimmy Hendrix